Thursday, June 11, 2015

Script for Termination Meeting Where There is Severance Pay and a Release

June 2015
By Richard H. Wessels

Here is something that we have used over and over again. It has proven to be so useful and valuable that we thought we would share it. Routinely, our clients conclude that the use of severance pay along with a release is a good tool particularly in sensitive termination cases. The normal ground rules need to be considered – preferably two management people involved in the meeting, short meeting with no debate, general commentary on the reason for termination, and a handling of the meeting in a dignified, respectful manner. The script below has stood the test of time.
Charlie, you know Mary who is here with me from our Human Resources Department. She is here because of some specific HR issues. I would like this to be a positive meeting. But, unfortunately, the subject is not positive. Let me get right to the point. A decision has been made that today will be your last day with our Company.

This decision goes to the top levels of the Company. It is not an issue for debate. I do not want to be unduly negative. You know that we have discussed in the past the big problems with production schedules, the quality issues, and then most recently the complaints on deliveries from our biggest customer. Again, I do not want to be unduly negative, but we have simply made the decision that we must part ways effective today.
Now, there are two ways we can handle this. One is normal Company policy. That would mean pay through today plus any unused vacation.

Or, and this is the way we would prefer to handle it, we can give you an enhanced program. This enhanced program would be severance pay for three months plus health care for those three months at the same rate that you are paying now. We will also provide outplacement assistance. If you choose the enhanced program, you will have to sign a standard form release. Mary has a letter explaining the enhanced program, and she has the release form. Mary and I can answer any questions that you may have.
Naturally, there are any number of variables. So give us a call to discuss any of these issues (including the format for a release) before you move forward.

You can contact me here at our St. Charles office at (630) 377-1554 or via email at